our approach
Healing and change are possible with Fortify.
You don't have to struggle for the rest of your life. The brain is changeable! There are so many reasons for hope.
our approach
Healing and change are possible with Fortify.
The mental health crisis keeps getting worse. It’s time to rethink our approach.
our approach
Healing and change are possible with Fortify.
You don't have to struggle for the rest of your life. The brain is changeable! There are so many reasons for hope.
our approach
We are living in a “depressogenic” society.
Most people don’t realize how many hundreds of environmental and lifestyle risk factors are all around us. It’s as if we are bathing in the very risk-factors that set up and predispose emotional struggles.
our approach
We are living in a “depressogenic” society.
Most people don’t realize how many hundreds of environmental and lifestyle risk factors are all around us. It’s as if we are bathing in the very risk-factors that set up and predispose emotional struggles.
our approach
We are living in a “depressogenic” society.
Most people don’t realize how many hundreds of environmental and lifestyle risk factors are all around us. It’s as if we are bathing in the very risk-factors that set up and predispose emotional struggles.
our approach
The full tidal wave of harm has not yet reached our shores.
Addiction is intensifying with each new generation. Despite more therapists per capita than any other time in human history, mental health and addiction issues continue to worsen.
our approach
The full tidal wave of harm has not yet reached our shores.
Addiction is intensifying with each new generation. Despite more therapists per capita than any other time in human history, mental health and addiction issues continue to worsen.
our approach
The full tidal wave of harm has not yet reached our shores.
Addiction is intensifying with each new generation. Despite more therapists per capita than any other time in human history, mental health and addiction issues continue to worsen.
our approach
Dr. Stephen Ilardi
“We were never designed for the sedentary, indoor, sleep-deprived, socially-isolated, fast-food-laden, frenetic pace of modern life.”
our approach
We help people get at the roots of their pornography challenges.
We help people identify the unique set of risk factors in their own lives, after studying them for a decade. By understanding how many things contribute to addiction, we also know all the things we can do about it.
our approach
We help people get at the roots of their pornography challenges.
We help people identify the unique set of risk factors in their own lives, after studying them for a decade. By understanding how many things contribute to addiction, we also know all the things we can do about it.
our approach
We help people get at the roots of their pornography challenges.
We help people identify the unique set of risk factors in their own lives, after studying them for a decade. By understanding how many things contribute to addiction, we also know all the things we can do about it.
our approach
Healing and change are possible.
The brain is changeable. And even when people are really stuck and hurting badly, research confirms deep healing can still happen.
our approach
Healing and change are possible.
The brain is changeable. And even when people are really stuck and hurting badly, research confirms deep healing can still happen.
our approach
Healing and change are possible.
The brain is changeable. And even when people are really stuck and hurting badly, research confirms deep healing can still happen.